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Audio: Apostle Mike Orokpo - Organic Ministry Of The Holy Spirit

 Download Mp3 Organic Ministry Of The Holy Spirit Message By Apostle Mike Orokpo

Audio: Apostle Mike Orokpo - Organic Ministry Of The Holy Spirit

A man who does not have a relationship with the Holy Spirit is a dying man, the man had been zero out from the radar of heaven. The Holy Spirit is a proof of everything God does in a life of a man.  It is the Holy Spirit that has compass of your destiny, there is no way you can prosper in life if you refuse to walk with the Holy Spirit.

Anything the Holy Ghost does not approve is not approved by God even it is correct. The organic ministry of the Holy Spirit is the most significant work of every man in this world. The Holy Spirit must become your pattern, obsession, operational model and the modernity of your life must be carved and characterised by the Holy Ghost. You are not permitted to take any step unless the move of the move of the Spirit. Anything the Holy Ghost does not move upon is dead. In the economy of the Trinity the Holy Ghost move first, this pattern must be the r… You really need to listen to this powerful message!

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